SPEC Sustainers Strengthen Sustainable Communities

Your monthly donation empowers individuals to thrive in the face of environmental challenges, with programs designed to enhance resilience and cultivate a culture of hope and community.

Why Your Support Matters

As a SPEC Sustainer, your monthly donation empowers community initiatives that boost sustainability and resilience against climate change. Your support propels  programs like the Repair Cafes, School Gardens Program, and Farmland Ecosystem Services,  cultivating a culture of community essential for overcoming environmental challenges.

SPEC Sustainers help to ensure that every community member has access to the resources and support they need to thrive in an ever-changing environment. Your commitment aids in fostering a network of engaged and empowered citizens who are prepared to lead and support sustainability efforts, creating a ripple effect of resilience and positive change across the community.


A healthy, just and vibrant city for everyone

The Society Promoting Environmental Conservation (SPEC) is a non-profit, charitable and volunteer-driven organization, founded in 1969. We work with citizens, industries and government agencies, putting our brains together to create a healthy environment we can call home.

Our Areas of Work

SPEC promotes educational and advocacy initiatives in six key areas.

Building a more sustainable and resilient local food system.

Promoting the use of renewable energy and sustainable transportation.

Advocating for practices that lead to waste reduction.

Empowering communities to reduce carbon emissions, adapt to climate change and fight for climate justice.

Cultivating and sharing elder wisdom through events and mentorship.

Equipping businesses and community groups with the tools to contribute to a healthier society.

Sign up for our newsletter or donate to SPEC and help us share urgent education to build a sustainable and resilient future.